These little hatchlings are 1.5- 2 months old. Feeding on a variety of greens, cactus, hibiscus leaves, weeds and Mazuri tortoise diet(original). Eastern Hermanns tortoises are one of the smaller species. Adult eastern Hermanns range from 5-7 inches. They are hardy and an ideal tortoise for someone living in a region with a lot of winter months. In the wild these tortoises go into brumation during the winter. A state similar to hibernation. This is not necessary in captivity.
Although the majority succeed with a hatchling some get nervous taking on a tortoise that is around a month old. So we hold back some to about 4-5 months old and off the well started hatchling. They’re less fragile and past those critical first 2 months of life. These well started hatchlings are feeding on a variety of greens, cactus, mazuri, etc. Eastern Hermanns tortoises are one of the smaller species. Usually ranging from 6-7 inches. Hermanns tortoises are an awesome species!
The Mata Mata Turtle is right up there next to the Fly River Turtle as the most unique turtle in the world. In their native habitat they blend in with fallen leaf litter and are ambush predators that feed on live fish rosy red, baby cichlids, mollies. Very easy to keep but they do get large. These Peruvian Mata are a more colorful variety than the guayana locale. Feeding on rosy red minnows. They are easy to switch to frozen shrimp, tilapia fillet, silver sides etc. One of my favorite species!
The Russian tortoise is one of the most commonly sold tortoises in pet stores across the United States. These captive born babies are absolutely thriving, feeding on a variety of greens like romaine, collards, spring mix, hibiscus/ mulberry leaves and cactus pads. They are 2-3 months old and past the fragile first month and rock solid. Russian tortoises typically average 5-6 inches In size.
The Fly River Turtle is easily the most unique turtle in the world. These captive born specimens were legally imported, can provide a copy of the USFW 3177 cleared. From a breeder in Indonesia. Adult size averaging about 16-18 inches in length. They are the only fresh water turtle with flippers like a sea turtle! 10-12 month old Fly Rivers are currently feeding on blue berries, algae wafers and mazuri turtle diet, kiwi, raspberries, romaine and figs,
These Redfoot hatchlings are roughly 1.5 months old. Great color and thriving. My personal favorite species of tortoise. They are full of personality, very hardy and usually reach max size at around 12-13 inches. The Redfoot tortoise is a very popular species in the reptile community.
Pictured above you can see the size difference between a hatchling next to a well started hatchling. These 3-4 month old Redfoots are well past the fragile stages that can come along with a newborn hatchling.
The Redfoot tortoise is full of personality and my favorite tortoise. These beautiful 12 inch Adult Redfoot tortoise would make a good addition to a breeding group or simply just a great pet. Currently living outside full time and feeding on lots greens, opuntia cactus and fruit. Farm raised in Central America and imported once they are around 10 inches. They are friendly and make great pets! Perfect shells and already breeding and beginning to lay first clutches of eggs.
The Yellowfoot tortoise shares the same native range as the Redfoot Tortoise. Although more difficult to successfully breed the care, diet and size is 12 to 13 inches…similar to the Redfoot tortoise. These 2 month old hatchlings are eating greens, fruit and mazuri. They have put on a some nice size but still small. Well past the critical first couple months of life.
These hatchlings are two months old and ready to go. The Brazilian Cherryhead is one of the most popular localities of the Redfoot tortoise. Redfoot tortoises are found all over South America and have a variety of color and size. The ones found in Brazil tend to be slightly smaller usually maxing out at 10 inches and keep the red head. Hence the name “Cherryhead”. Average size is 8-10 inch shell length.
These well started hatchlings are 5-6 months old. Well past the fragile size and thriving. Perfect examples of cherry red heads. The Brazilian Cherryhead is one of the most popular localities of the Redfoot tortoise. Redfoot tortoises are found all over South America and have a variety of color and size. The ones found in Brazil tend to be slightly smaller usually maxing out at 10 inches and keep the red head. Hence the name “Cherryhead”. Average size is 8-10 inch shell length.
Chinese box turtles are my all time favorite exotic species of box turtle by far. They have so much personality and are ravenous eaters. As adults they have been known to eat whole snakes in their enclosure. They are pretty cold tolerant. Like most box turtles they like land and shallow water. Feeding on everything from banana to mazuri turtle diet to meal worms.
These little ones are now over 2 months old. The three toe box turtle is native to the south central region of the United States. Like all species of box turtles they stay small, around 5 inches. They are full of personality and make great pets. They get there name from usually having only 3 toes on there rear feet. Feeding on mazuri turtle diet, meal worms, crickets, reptomin pellets and more!
Ceram Asian Box Turtles are a locale of Asian box turtle native to the Ceram Island near Indonesia. Like most box turtles they love swamp land and shallow water. Care is similar to most box turtles. These stay small, 6-7 inches is average adult size. Feeding on mazuri turtle diet, meal and super worms, fruits, etc.
These roughly 3.5 to 4 inch captive born Central American woods are a vibrant species full of personality that is very under rated. Reaching an average size of 5-6 inches they are very similar to box turtles. They do very well in shallow water and/or land. They eat everything from floating pellets, super worms to greens and fruit. They are one of the most colorful species and very easy to keep!
There is nothing cooler than an albino turtle! The pink belly side neck turtle is already a very popular turtle in the hobby. They don’t get too large, making them a desirable pet fully aquatic turtle. Average size is 8 inches. These albino turtles are so light in color they are almost white in color. These hatched hatched 2024 and have put on some size. Feeding on pellets, meal worms, blood worms, etc.
The giant South African Leopard is the larger locale of Leopard Tortoise. As adults these average 18-20 inches in size, compared to Babcocki Leopards that are an average of 12-15 inches. These hatchlings are a month old and have beautiful spotting all of their shell and neck. They are feeding on lots of greens, leaves, cactus pads, etc.
These are captive born Amazon basin Yellowfoot Tortoises imported from a small tortoise farm in Peru. I’ve imported from them 3 years in a row. They are bulkier than the typical Yellowfoots. Adult average size is 19-21 inches. Chowing down on any greens, fruits, opuntia cactus and mazuri in sight. These captive born farm raised Yellowfoots will get big. Export of wild caught Yellowfoots has been closed and not many people are producing them in the USA which is causing demand to go up.
These hatchlings are 1-2 months old and thriving. Feeding on blood worms, mealworms, reptomin. The Spotted Turtle is one of my personal favorite fully aquatic species of turtle. The vibrant spots on that jet black shell are a work of art. Not to mention this North American species averages a whopping 4 inches as adults. You read that correctly! Their range is up the east coast as well as near the Great Lakes.
The Razorback musk is one of the cutest little hatchling turtles. The benefit to them, they do not get big and outgrow their set up like most cheap aquatic turtles sold in pet stores. The average adult size is 5 inches. They are feeding on reptomin pellers, zoo med mud and musk turtle diet, mealworms, basically a high protein diet.
These hatchlings are 2 months old and absolutely thriving! Pardalis babcocki leopards are the smaller of the “Locales” of leopard tortoise. Reaching an average size of 12-15 inches. Feeding on a large assortment of greens-romaine, collards, turnips, etc. weeds, hibsicus leaves and flowers as well as opuntia cactus.
Hatchlings are 2-3 months old and growing quick! The Indian star tortoise is popular because of its vibrant shell pattern and its relatively small size. Unfortunately making it a popular target in the illegal pet trade. Full grown adults reach about 5-7 inches. Average is 5.5 to 6 inches.These turned Cites appendix 1 where they can no longer be imported into the United States. Hopefully relieving some of the pressure put on the species being collected from the wild.
These are pure locale absolutely stunning Bolivian Redfoot Tortoises. Export of Redfoots from Bolivia was closed decades ago. They share common characteristics of the cherryhead Redfoot tortoise only instead of staying smaller, they get bigger. They keep a very colorful head color, have a dark plastron and even have marbling from time to time. Size can range anywhere from 12-16 inches. As a redfoot nerd myself, I love and appreciate these pure locale redfoots. Their is so much variety.
Bumese star tortoises are a critically endangered medium size tortoise. Average size is 9-12 inches. These are the largest and hardiest of the star tortoises. They do very well in captivity. These hatchlings are 4 months old and absolutely thriving. Well past the fragile first couple months of life. These beauties were incubated for female and are feeling on romaine, spring mix, collards, cactus pads.
Elongated tortoises are very underrated tortoises that aren’t recognized for how cool they are. Native to Southeast Asia they average around 11-12 inches, similar to the Redfoot tortoise. Similar diet they love greens, fruits, cactus pads, mazuri and some natural protein. These hatchlings are 2 months old and doing great!
Central American Wood turtles are my personal favorite species of wood turtle. Reaching a max size of roughly 5-6 inches they are great for indoor or outdoor keeping. They are full of personality and such a hardy and easy to care for species. As hatchlings they prefer to be kept with a large water dish to splash around in. As adults they become more terrestrial but still love to splash around in a shallow water feature. These little ones are 4 months old and thriving.
These are farm raised European captive born Russian tortoises. Not wild caught middle eastern-asian imports. These do much better then the commonly chain pet store available Uzbekistan wild caught Russians you see cheaper and readily available but come with a lot of problems. Thede are Energetic, heavy, healthy, and active. Feeding on lots of greens and opuntia cactus. 4 inch shell length. Currently have males and females availavie.
These hatchlings are 2.5-3 months old and are growing quick. The marginated tortoise is in the testudo family. Care is identical to that of the Hermanns and Greek tortoise. They are hardy and larger than the two species. They have a lot of personality. These are not offered by many breeders and sellers. Don’t miss out!
The Radiated tortoise is critically endangered species native to Madagascar and is considered to be a medium size tortoise. Reaching sizes of 13-16 inches. This stunning hatchling is 1-2 month old absolutely thriving. It has some beautiful yellow pattern. These are only available for purchase to residents of the state of Florida.
The Cherryhead is a Brazilian locality of the Redfoot tortoise. These have gorgeous color and are 1.5-2 years old. The care is the same as the typical Redfoot tortoise. Cherryheads keep that vibrant red head and sometimes get beautiful white marbling on the shell. Staying smaller than the northern Redfoot tortoise. Reaching shell lengths of roughly 8-9” The adults that produced these are both under 9”. The smaller size and beautiful color makes them a very popular pet tortoise.
Beautiful captive born juvenile Eastern Hermanns. They are eating like crazy, thriving and are ready for breeding in about 2 years. They come from very small locale adultsr reaching only 5.5-6.5 inches inches, E. Hermanns make great pet tortoises, kept inside or outside. Hermanns are very versatile doing well inside in the northern USA or outside in the southern USA. Feeding on all sorts of greens.
2024 well started, 3 months old and thriving. These rare Rhinoclemmys are native to Venezuela and Colombia. Care is just like that of the Central American Ornate Wood Turtle. Average adult size is 6-8 inches. Feeding on pellets, worms, greens and fruits.
The Aldabra tortoise is nothing short of impressive. Second largest tortoise in the world right behind the Galapagos tortoise. These hatchlings are captive born in Florida. They are one month old and growing fast feeding on lots of greens, leaves, opuntia and mazuri tortoise diet. This is an amazing species to work with that you can watch grow from a young hatchling!